Cytolog Arthritis Studies

In mid 1996, funds were made available to begin advanced clinical and institutional studies. Since then, Drs. Alejandro Nitsch M.D. and Fabiola Nitsch M.D. of Guatemala City, have served as chief investigators, designing and conducting protocols that have yielded the best evidence yet of the value of Cytolog Infopeptides in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and infant diarrhea. In their first study they report that 10 out of 12 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 9 out of 10 patients with osteoarthritis showed clinical improvement within a two to six week period. In the article titled "Bovine Lacteal Derivate (CytoLog), some Considerations", Drs. Nitsch suggest that, consistent with the original theory, "since the product has no demonstrable biological activity, the proposed mechanism of action (function) of Infopeptides is the induction of cytokine synthesis by the host (i.e. a true immunomodulator)-- allowing the organism to recuperate or reorient its immunologic memory. This results in appropriate responses to autoimmune conditions."

In February and March of 1996, a thirty day "safety study" was conducted by Dr. R. B. M.D. in Ohio (USA). In that study twelve patients with advanced HIV Disease were given Infopeptides in conjunction with a powdered nutritional supplement containing no therapeutic features. During the month in which that study was conducted Dr. B. observed a 63% reduction in the clinical symptoms assessment score for those individuals receiving two administrations of infopeptide solution per day.

Since the fall of 1996, infopeptide solution has been used by a number of other physicians in the United States including Dr. T. Q in Ohio. Dr. Q. reports success with Infopeptides in the treatment of viral illnesses, autoimmune disorders, and fibromyalgias. "Cytolog is very helpful with any acute viral disease-- like chicken pox. I see fewer pock marks and patients recover in three days, not ten days." Dr. Q. reports using Cytolog Infopeptides with success in nine patients with chronic fibromyalgia. One patient with polymyalgia rheumatica experienced a 90% reduction in pain and normalization of her SED rate from 72 to 13. She also cites dramatic improvement in shingles and flu cases, success in treating gastritis where all other strategies failed, impressive use as an antiinflammatory treatment, and treatment for bronchitis and viral pneumonia. She describes the infopeptide treatment as "truly miraculous" against oral herpangina in infants.

Since early 1997, many more doctors have become aware of Cytolog Infopeptides through the interest and efforts of two highly respected scientists, Stephen Levine Ph.D., of San Leandro, California, Dr. Arnold Takemoto, of Scottsdale, Arizona and investigative researcher and lecturer J. Michael Bentley of San Rafael, California. Today these men provide a ready and reliable conduit through which information passes to health care professionals throughout the United States, Europe, Japan and the MiddleEast.

After all this, it is assumed that the informed reader is left with a thirst for some real science. For those interested enough to undertake the effort, there are any number of references that stop just short of suggesting the existence of an informational protein vocabulary.

(Doctor's full names have been abbreviated for privacy)

Published Intermediate Observations...continued on next page.

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