Introducing Informational Peptides

Throughout the 1980's a media focus on the relationship between diet and health intensified research efforts in many areas of animal agriculture. It was in that climate that our researcher was at work looking for alternatives to the use of antibiotics in livestock. Of particular interest were natural products derived from blood and milk. The initial spark came when he noted that the most beneficial products in his evaluations were those from which factors most likely to provide benefit had been removed. Specifically, he found that when the sera of blood, milk or colostrum were processed to the point where the immunoglobulins and lactoferrin were removed, the resulting liquids became more valuable. As the project progressed it became apparent that there existed, just beneath the biologically active portion of these raw materials, another strata of proteins with completely different functions and characteristics.

Through a combination of separation technology, analysis, and observation, our researcher pursued the tiny peptides he was sure existed just this side of free amino-acids and molecular oblivion. Within a matter of months a technique was developed that isolated a class of proteins from normal bovine colostrum that could be defined by their molecular weight, their lack of biological activity in the classical sense, and their ability to induce benefit at extremely low levels of administration.

The conclusion that these peptides were informational in their function, developed from a rather straightforward series of assumptions:

• That both wellness and recovery reflect the dynamic processes of our functionally competent cells.

• That wellness is more than the lull between storms. In humans, homeostasis requires the appropriate and coordinated functioning of trillions of cells.

• That some dominant influence on our functionally competent cells inclines us toward wellness. This would require some form of communication or advice and perhaps, some form of informational media.

What if these peptides were that media and advised every function of every healthy cell?

The answer, Infopeptides.... the software of the cell.

From this simple framework of belief evolved what came to be known as "the operating theory", a group of twenty assumptions that have guided the evaluation of the informational peptide solution and provided reasonably accurate prognoses for those who have received it. Since the original discovery, extensive clinical research has been carried out in twelve countries. The settings, which were chosen to reflect the varied circumstances of First and Third world populations, have provided ample opportunity to challenge and confirm the operating theory.

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