Important Notice
The information on this site represents only one product and it originated from, and has been produced exclusively by the Cellogic Corporation under direct supervision of its founder, who is also the developer of Cytolog and creator of the trade name Cytolog.
None of the information in this site currently represents or has ever represented any other product produced by any other company comparing its product to Cellogic Cytolog or calling its product, among other things, Cytolog, Cytolog Spray, Infopeptides, Infopeptide Spray or claiming similar results.
Below is a list of some of the products, either being mistakenly compared to Cellogic Cytolog or misleadingly using this site as a source of information in support of the sale of these respective products. Several resellers of the products listed below are currently quoting information from this site as if it pertains to their respective product and misleading the consumer while in violation of copyright law.
Cytolog Spray by Allergy Research Group
Cytolog Spray by Nutricology
Viralox by Advanced Protein Systems
Immulox by Advanced Protein Systems